PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI’I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT Variance Applications Accepted Feb. 1-15, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Director will be taking action on the following applications: * Deadline to submit written public comments ** Tentative date of Director’s decision 1. Laupama&Shawna Fuga, Paula Alu Trust (VAR-20-000571) From Chapter 23, Subdivision, Section 23-41, Min. Right-of-Way&Pavement Widths&Section 23-86 Req’mnts. For Dedicable Street on 10.9950 acs. at End of Pu’ukala Rd., Kona Ocean View Properties Subdivision, N. Kona. TMK: 7-2-006:004. *Mar. 9, 2020 **Mar. 23, 2020. 2. Jill Norine Schuler&Ju Yon Jenny Choi (VAR-20-000572) From Chapter 25, Zoning, Section 25-5-76 Min. Yards&Section 25-4-44(a), Permitted Projections into Yards&Open Space Req’mnts. (Encroach South Side Yard Setback) on 26.3940 acs. at 13-952 Kamaili Rd., Puna, TMK: 1-3-001:014. *Mar. 6, 2020 **Apr. 6, 2020. Maps/documents are on file&open for inspection during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona. By: MICHAEL YEE, Planning Director HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider&Employer (HTH/WHT1267202 2/25/20)