NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget&Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and medical refunds, and safe deposit box contents that, in most cases, have remained inactive for a period of at least 5 years. Abandoned property, as used in this context, does not include real estate. Search for unclaimed property can be conducted on our program website: For those who prefer, a written inquiry may be submitted to: State of Hawaii, Unclaimed Property Program, P.O. Box 150, Honolulu, HI 96810. All written inquiries must include contact information: name, current mailing address and phone number. The Unclaimed Property Program Office can be contacted in Honolulu at (808) 586-1589, Monday-Friday, 7:45 am – 4:30 pm, except State holidays. If you are calling from a neighbor island, the toll-free numbers are: Kauai 274-3141, Maui 984-2400, and Hawaii 974-4000. After calling the local number, enter the extension number: 61589. Residents of the islands of Molokai and Lanai may call: 1-800-468-4644, then enter the extension number: 61589. /s/ CRAIG K. HIRAI DIRECTOR OF FINANCE STATE OF HAWAII (WHT1266465 2/26, 3/1/20)