NOTICE OF PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO BLANKET SECTION 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION (WQC) BY THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH File No. WQC0901 DOCKET NO. WQC0901.MOD February 28, 2020 The State Department of Health (DOH) proposes to modify the blanket Section 401 WQC that became effective on March 2, 2018. The proposed modification is available on the internet at: Persons wishing to comment on the proposed modification or to request a public hearing, should submit their comments or requests in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of this notice, either through e-mail at: or by mail at 2827 Waimano Home Road, Room 225, Pearl City, Hawaii 96782. If you have special needs due to disability that will aid you in inspecting and/or commenting on the modification, please contact Mr. Darryl Lum, Supervisor of the Engineering Section, CWB, at the above address or (808) 586-4309 (Voice) at least seven (7) calendar days before the comment deadline. For those who use a TTY/TDD, please call through Sprint Relay Hawaii, at 1-711 or 1-877-447-5991. Please notify anyone you know who would be interested in this matter. BRUCE S. ANDERSON, Ph.D. Director of Health (WHT1266628 2/28/20)