February 25, 2020 WATER BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF HAWAI’I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Water Board of the County of Hawai’i will hold a public hearing at the West Hawai’i Civic Center, Building G, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i, on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, at 9:45 a.m. for the following purposes: Pursuant to Sections 8-2(c) and 10-4 of the Hawai’i County Charter, considering and adopting the proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Operating and 5-year Capital Improvement Projects Budgets. The summary of the proposed Operating Budget is as follows: Receipts: Water Service $19,764,000 Power Charges 20,000,000 Standby Charges 14,203,000 Energy C.I.P. Charges 450,000 Interest Income 283,200 Miscellaneous Income 430,000 Rental Income 243,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS $55,373,200 Expenditures: Purchased Power $20,000,000 Personnel Services 20,092,500 Materials, Supplies,&Services 7,230,300 Debt Service 7,514,000 C.I.P. Reserve 536,400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $55,373,200 The summary of the proposed 5-year Capital Improvement Projects Budget is as follows: Fiscal Year: 2021 $26,400,000 2022 38,300,000 2023 24,900,000 2024 17,500,000 2025 28,000,000 TOTAL 5-YEAR C.I.P. BUDGET $135,100,000 All those desiring to express their views, arguments, or submit data on the above matter may do so by submitting statements in writing to the Chairperson of the Water Board of the County on or before the date of the public hearing; but anyone interested may appear in person to submit their data, views, or arguments orally before the Water Board at the hearing. Submissions made to the Chairperson prior to the date of the hearing shall be mailed or delivered to the Chairperson in care of the Department of Water Supply, 345 Kekuanao’a Street, Hilo, Hawai’i 96720. If accommodation or auxiliary aid and/or services (i.e., sign language, interpreter, large print) to participate in the hearing is required, please call (808) 961-8050. Dated at Hilo, Hawai’i, this 25th day of February, 2020. WATER BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF HAWAI’I By: William D. Boswell, Jr. Its Chairperson The Department of Water Supply is an Equal Opportunity provider and employer. Posted on the Internet at: www.hawaiidws.org (WHT1269290 3/3/20)