Solicitation of Applicants for Deputy Port Pilot License Pursuant to §16-96-25 entitled “Requirements for a deputy port pilot license”, Hawaii Administrative Rules, the Professional and Vocational Licensing Division, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, State of Hawaii, will be soliciting applications for a deputy port pilot license. The requirements for a licensed deputy port pilot are as follows: “§16-96-25 (a) An applicant for a deputy port pilot license shall file an application with the director at least sixty days prior to a scheduled deputy port pilot examination. The applicant shall: (1) Be eighteen years of age or older; (2) Possess a current United States coast guard license as master of steam and motor vessels of any gross tonnage upon oceans issued by the United States coast guard; (3) Possess a United States coast guard endorsement as a first-class pilot for all deep draft harbors where pilot services are provided in the State; and (4) Possess the following experience: (A) Four years of ocean or coastwise service as a licensed deck officer, including at least one year as chief officer, on vessels of one thousand or more gross tons; or (B) Two years of ocean or coastwise service as a licensed deck officer on vessels of one thousand gross tons or more, plus one year of pilot service, docking registered or enrolled vessels of at least five thousand gross tons; and (C) The requirement to have served at least one year as chief officer may be substituted on a month-for-month basis by experience as a master of tugs, engaged in docking and undocking vessels of five thousand gross tons or more; and (D) A minimum of fifty round trips in and out of Honolulu harbor to and from the various piers as an observer. Twenty-five of these trips shall have been on vessels over five thousand gross tons and at least ten shall have been during hours of darkness. (b) The applicant shall submit a certificate of physical examination, dated no earlier than sixty days prior to the date of filing, and pass a written examination approved by the director and administered by the department.” All applicants that meet the requirements of §16-96-25 will be allowed to sit for the exam. The exam will be administered on May 20, 2020 at DCCA, 335 Merchant Street Room 330. Honolulu, HI. The exam reference list can be found on our website at A licensed deputy port pilot will have to train in the deputy port pilot program administered by the Hawaii Pilots Association for a minimum of eighteen months. The requirements for a port pilots license are found in §16-96-26, Hawaii Administrative Rules, and may be viewed on our website. If you believe you meet the qualifications of §16-96-25 please download an application from our website or call (808) 586-2701 and an application will be mailed to you. Applications must be received by April 13, 2020. (SA/WHT/HTH/TGI1273559 3/22/20)