NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE LIEN FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS AND SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (1)WBKL VACATION SUITES ;( 2) KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES AND (3) OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES (1)Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-008-012, (3) 6-9-008-023, (3) 6-9-008-024 ;( 2) Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-007-032 AND (3) Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-007-039. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (1) WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Hawaii non-profit corporation, 6355 Metro West Blvd., Suite 180, HI 96738(the “Association”), the lienholder under a Notice of Lien for Delinquent Assessments (the “Lien”) recorded on February 12, 2020 in the Bureau of Conveyances under Document No.: A73470663, pursuant to Sections 514E-29 and 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and the provisions of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for WBKL Vacation Suites dated September 14, 2006, and recorded on September 21, 2006 in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii as Document No. 2006-173435, as amended (“Declaration”) hereby gives this notice of the Association’s intent to foreclose the Lien and hold a sale by public auction to satisfy the obligations set forth in said Lien on the following described real property lying in the State of Hawaii, County of HAWAII, to wit an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest having an Interval Control No.: (See Exhibit “A”) as tenant(s) in common with the holders of the other undivided interests in and to the time share project known as WBKL VACATION SUITES (the “Project”) as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for WBKL Vacation Suites, recorded on September 21, 2006 in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii, as Document No. 2006-173435 (“Declaration”)The property is owned by (See Exhibit “A”) and is being sold by reason of said owners uncured and continuing default and breach in the payment or performance of their obligations under the Governing Documents as secured by said Lien. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (2) KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Hawaii non-profit corporation, 6355 Metro West Blvd., Suite 180, Orlando FL 32835(the “Association”), the lienholder under a Notice of Lien for Delinquent Assessments (the “Lien”) recorded on February 12, 2020 in the Bureau of Conveyances under Document No.: A73470664, pursuant to Sections 514E-29 and 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and the provisions of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for Kohala Coast Vacation Suites dated February 2, 2004, and recorded on February 12, 2004, in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii as Document No. 2004-030035, as amended (the “Declaration”) hereby gives this notice of the Association’s intent to foreclose the Lien and hold a sale by public auction to satisfy the obligations set forth in said Lien on the following described real property lying in the State of Hawaii, County of HAWAII, to wit an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest having an Interval Control No.: (See Exhibit “A”) as tenant(s) in common with the holders of the other undivided interests in and to the time share project known as KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for Kohala Coast Vacation Suites, recorded on February 12, 2004 in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii, as Document No. 2004-030035 (“Declaration”)The property is owned by (See Exhibit “A”) and is being sold by reason of said owners uncured and continuing default and breach in the payment or performance of their obligations under the Governing Documents as secured by said Lien. And NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (3) OCEAN TOWER VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, a Hawaii non- profit corporation, , 00000(the “Association”), the lienholder under a Notice of Lien for Delinquent Assessments (the “Lien”) recorded on February 11, 2020 in the Bureau of Conveyances under Document No.: A73460620, pursuant to Sections 514E-29 and 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and the provisions of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for Ocean Tower Vacation Suites, recorded November 6, 2017, in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No. A- 65190461, as amended (“Declaration”). hereby gives this notice of the Association’s intent to foreclose the Lien and hold a sale by public auction to satisfy the obligations set forth in said Lien on the following described real property lying in the State of Hawaii, County of HAWAII, to wit consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest in said Project as noted as ICN#( See Exhibit “A”) as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES, recorded November 6, 2017, in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No. A-65190461, as amended (“Declaration”).The property is owned by (See Exhibit “A”) and is being sold by reason of said owners uncured and continuing default and breach in the payment or performance of their obligations under the Governing Documents as secured by said Lien. sale shall be conducted at: THE FLAGPOLE FRONTING HALE HALAWAI PARK, ALII DRIVE,KAILUA-KONA, HI 96740 ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 AT 12:00 NOON. Terms of sale are: (i) each of the properties to be sold is an undivided ownership interest in the Projects and shall be sold separately to satisfy the Liens “AS-IS, WHERE-IS” without representation and/or warranty of any kind with respect to condition, title, possession or encumbrances and without upset price by quitclaim conveyance (ii) Purchaser must, at close of Auction, pay to the Associations a non-refundable down payment of 10% of the highest successful bid price in cash (U.S.), or by cashier’s or certified check as a non-refundable deposit with the balance of the purchase price payable in full within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Auction with such deposit being deemed earned and non-refundable and which shall be retained by the Associations as liquidated damages if Purchaser fails to pay the balance due timely. (iii) Purchaser shall pay all costs, expenses, and other sums due pursuant to the Governing Documents and applicable law; (iv) Associations shall be entitled to credit bid up to the amount of all sums due under the Liens and Governing Documents (including all interest, late fees, costs, penalties and attorney’s fees); (v) Purchaser must register to bid at the time of sale and by submitting a bid Purchaser acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions contained herein and to those additional terms which may be acknowledged by Purchaser at the sale. Sale is subject to cancellation and/or postponement for any reason, or no reason, before or after commencement of bidding. Any terms used, but not defined, herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Governing Documents. UNLESS ALL AMOUNTS DUE AND OWING PURSUANT TO THE NOTICE ARE PAID IN FULL WITHIN THE TIMEFRAME PERMITTED BY LAW, YOUR PROPERTY MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION OR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION. THIS IS AN ACTION TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR SUCH PURPOSE. This foreclosure sale is being conducted by Law Offices of Marvin S.C. Dang, LLLC, whose office is located at P.O. Box 4109, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812-4109. For further particulars, contact: Sharon Warner for WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC AND OCEAN TOWER VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, phone number (888) 491-1120 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time). WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Hawaii non-profit corporation and OCEAN TOWER VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION a Hawaii non-profit corporation. By: Ileana Gonzalez, Authorized Agent. EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23291.0029) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 68-10418 CARLA LEE MUELLER, JAMES ROBERT LEO MUELLER 2345 BIEHN ST. KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601-9372 .00486404575% 68-2413- 68-10897 RAYGENIA LUCILLE STEWART 4707 KELLER RIDGE DR CLAYTON, CA 94517-1920 0.0097280915% 68-2515-23 68-11461 KAREN JEAN RIBBACK 821 N JUANITA AVE REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277-2230 0.0097280915% 68-2131-2 68-11543 RAYMOND NGANGA MURIMI, PENINA WAIRIMU NGINYE SERVICE DELIVERY 04781EMIRATES AIRLINES PO BOX 36050 DUBAI, U.A.E. 36050 UNITED ARABEMIRATES 0.0097280915% 68-2524-19 68-12189 JUDITH NIMS ABURMISHAN 40 E 9TH ST APT 1901 CHICAGO, IL 60605-2152 .0123593086% 68-2217-18 68-12646 TSUTOMU TAKEDA,KATSUKO TAKEDA 1-4-3 #107 SATAKEDAI SUITA-SHI, OSAKA 565-0855 JAPAN .0097280915% 68-2731-6 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23291.0030) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 68-13289 ROBERT LEO SCHEFFELMAIER, LISA CONCETTA SCHEFFELMAIER 64-6TH STREET N.E. CALGARY, AB T2E 3X9 CANADA .00486404575% 68-2713-22 O 68-15431 JOSEPH WALLACE HOWINGTON, BARBARA WALKER HOWINGTON,BARBARA GAYLE MANN 1112 MALLARD WAY GRANBURY, TX 76048-2674 .0097280915%, .0097280915%, .0097280915% 68-2131-33, 68-2432-38, 68-2731-19 68-17830 SHIGEKI HAYANO, MICHIKO HAYANO 3410-5 FUKAIKITAMACHI NAKA-KU SAKAI-SHI, OSAKA 599-8271 JAPAN .0152059794% 68-29302-5 68-20088 NANCY ALICE ROSENBERG 2032 OLD LEECHBURG ROAD NEW KENSINGTON, PA 15068 .0119318991% 68-29105-41 O 68-20937 SADAKAZU TERADA, QI CHEN 30-9 TOMIHISA-CHO SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO 162-0067 JAPAN .0152059794% 68-29216-6 68-21761 TAKESHI OKAMOTO, YUKIKO OKAMOTO CENTRAL TOWER OZU #302 1108-6 OZU OZUMACHI KIKUCHI-GUN, KUMAMOTO 869-1233 JAPAN .0076029897% 68-30112-34 O EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23291.0031) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 68-23475 RYU SHIRAI, JUNKO SHIRAI 6-27-1-401 OOE OTSU-SHI, SHIGA 520-2141 JAPAN .0076029897% 68-30308-68-27118 TSUNAICHI SATO, MIYUKI SATO 2-21-2 KOYAKITA MATSUMOTO-SHI, NAGANO-KEN 399-0039 JAPAN 0.0068281938% 68-2521-36 68-28761 NGAIRE JEAN ROBERTS, WIFE OF JOHN HARRIS ROBERTS PO BOX 1200 MOOLOOLABA, QLD 04557 AUSTRALIA .00972809150% 68-2133-25 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23291.0032) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 68-29919 JOHN M. HORAS 300 AMICI CIR SAINT LOUIS, MO 63129 .0097280915% 68-2512-12 68-30086 HUGO NMN PINALES 825 BROOKTREE LANE APT 220 VISTA, CA 92081 .0076029897% 68-30212-20-O 68-3516 JAMES GRAY GILBERT, JR, CANDACE NANCE GILBERT KARL JOHSNON, GUARDIAN FOR MR 704 WEST 9TH STREET AUSTIN, TX 78701 .0097280915% 68-1815- 68-4226 SHEILA GRACE MOORE 300 LIBERTY AVE APT 809 PITTSBURGH, PA 15222-1266 .0097280915% 68-2021-19 68-500971 OYEBODE ADEGBOYEGA ADESIDA 44 SOUTHWOOD CLOSE BICKLEY BROMLEY, KENT BR1 2LU ENGLAND 0.0076029870% 68-30108-39 O 68-5036 DAVID PAUL ALLEN #201 HALEAKALA 2-15-14 TAKAIDO-HIGASHI SUGINAMI-KU, TOKYO 168-0072 JAPAN .0097280915% 68-1921-18 68-504622 VERNON JAMES NIELSEN, SPOUSE OF LINDA ANN BURGESS 41 CHESTER AVE TORONTO, ON M4K 2Z8 CANADA 0.01193189910% 68-30307-21 O EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23291.0033) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 68-507078 ELIZABETH BURTON 22973 BILLY BROWN RD LANGLEY, BC V1M4G3 CANADA 0.0199184290% 68-32109-37 68-507157 SHERIDAN TANGLAO DELA CRUZ, FREDERICK RAMOS DELA CRUZ 6730 ANTON LN SAN DIEGO, CA 92114-7838 0.00341409690% 68-212-19 O 68-511612 BENJAMIN JOHNSON BATES 105 ALAMEDA PADRE SERRA SANTA BARBARA, CA 93103-2802 0.0097280915%, 0.0068281938% 68-2725-40, 68-2421-7 68-5695 RICHARD EUGENE SLOCUM, JUDITH ANN SLOCUM 1615 BARRINGTON DR BROOKFIELD, WI 53045-5474 0.0097280915% 68-2216-38 68-5797 NORIHIRO MIYATA, KEIKO MIYATA 1555-18 INO SAKURA-SHI, CHIBA 285-0856 JAPAN 0.0034140969% 68-2428-41 O 68-6603 DONALD LAURENCE ZANGHI,SHEILA HAGEL ZANGHI 20901 SOUTH ST TEHACHAPI, CA 93561-8648 .0097280915%,.0097280915% 68-2113-45, 68-2113-46 68-6680 DAVID HAMILTON BROWN, KHANH VAN BROWN 835 LOW FALLS CT JEFFERSON, GA 30549-7943 .0097280915% 68-2114-28 68-7301 JUAN MAURICIO VAQUERANO, NORMA ELIZABETH VAQUERANO 17168 BARNESTON ST GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344-2441 .0097280915% 68-2432-47 68-7333 JOSEPH LYNN BUSHAW, MONICA LEE BUSHAW 18412 W LUKE AVE LITCHFIELD PARK, AZ 85340- 6221 .0097280915% 68-2416-40 68-7519 DEEPAK RUPCHAND MAHTANI, BINDU DEEPAK MAHTANI 2 PINE ST WESTPORT, CT 06880-4423.0097280915% 68-2127-9 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23291.0034) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 68-7922 JOON HONG PARK, JIN CHO 3306 BRAMANTE LN DUBLIN, CA 94568 .0097280915% 68-2423-34 68-8281 SOFIA GULNAZ SHEIKH, SPOUSE OF MOHOMMAD NADEEM SHEIKH 8014 AGORA CIR SUGAR LAND, TX 77479-7007 .0068281938% 68-2421-48 68-8364 RAYMOND EMIL GATTONE, III, DEBRA ANN LAWLESS-GATTONE 3 W JUDITH DR HAMMONTON, NJ 08037-2422 0.0097280915% 68-2216-34 68-9704 DUDLEY SHANE CARLILE, OLGA CATALINA HUAMANI DE CARLILE 962 CR 407 WAELDER, TX 78959 .0068281938% 68-1917-51 68-9750 JACQUELYN FELKER HARTON 7643 S CARPENTER ST CHICAGO, IL 60620-2917 .0068281938% 68-2015-51 68-27440 JOHN DOUGLAS STACEY, TRICIA MARIE BOGIKES STACEY 1725 TOBACCO RD ESCONDIDO, CA 92026 0.00760298970% 68-30316-19 O EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23284.0028) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 67-10054 PABLO ARTURO CUBILLOS, SANDRA JACQUELINE CUBILLOS 12707 TURLOCK COURT HOUSTON, TX 77041 .008012821% 67-1624-39 E 67-10590 ZORAIDA PASCUAL AGUILAR 1888 N CANNONDALE DR FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72704-6931 .008012821% 67-1618-32 O 67-10802 EDWARD LUCIEN GOUZENNE, JR. PO BOX 85 COPPEROPOLIS, CA 95228-0085 .008012821% 67-1516-36 O 67-10838 RHONDA ANN CARRELL, SHELLEY ANNE, NYAMACHE, WIFE OF GEOFFREY, OYARO NYAMACHE 2607 FREESTAD RD ARLINGTON, WA 98223-9626 .008012821% 67-1815-21 E 67-11311 LORNE DALE MORRIS, BRENDA LYNN MORRIS 16721 HICKS RD LOS GATOS, CA 950326605 .016025641% 67-1811-30 67-11899 EUGENE CARL KIRTON, DARLEENA CATHERINE TOWNS-KIRTON 9509 BRIMSTONE LN RALEIGH, NC 27613-5257 08012821% 67-1911-20 O 67-11976 DARREL ANTHONY LETCHER, KASHMEER KAUR LETCHER 2240 FAUST AVE LONG BEACH, CA 90815 .008012821% 67-1611-11 E 67-12231 ALEX STEVEN RICHARDSON, MICHELLE MARIE RICHARDSON 871 CAMINO EL CARIZO THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 .008012821% 67-1726-25 O 67-12303 WILLIAM A. ANCTIL, LAURIE T. ANCTIL 3460 FAIRVIEW WAY WEST LINN, OR 97068-1523 .0080128205% 67-1623-12 O 67-12505 RAED SABER ELAYDI, ANGELA MARIE CASTELLANI 450 E WATERSIDE DR UNIT 1002 CHICAGO, IL 60601-4712 .008012821% 67-1515-48 O 67-1255 PETER ANDREW BERUBE 474 W DUARTE RD APT 5 ARCADIA, CA 91007-6838 .0080128205% 67-1632-21 O 67-12674 TAKU NAKAMURA, SUMIE NAKAMURA 39-19 OOYAMACHO SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO 151-0065 JAPAN .008012821% 67-1824-12 O 67-1313 JEFFREY ARTHUR BOWMAN 409 W WINTER DR BOISE, ID 83706-4857 .0080128205% 67-1636-2 O 67-1363 ARTHUR IVAN HO 295 MANANAI PL APT A HONOLULU, HI 96818-5331 .016025641% 67-1635-15 67-14211 ROBERT WARING LLOYD BERNICE OLETHER LLOYD 3301 AMBER BAY LOOP ANCHORAGE, AK 99515-2310 .008012821% 67-1522-22 O EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23284.0029) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 67-14479 STEPHANIE NICHOLE MCDONALD, WIFE OF SCOTT DARRELL MCDONALD 10617 HILLINGDON RD WOODSTOCK, MD 21163-1431 .008012821% 67-1432-13 O 67-14921 THOMAS STANLEY KORNEGAY, KAMLAWATTEE SINGH 1025 CAVAN DRIVE APOPKA, FL 32703 0.008012821% 67-1512-39 O 67-15574 RYAN THOMAS BRIGGS, NATALIE JANE BRIGGS 23 POPLARS AVE BATEAU JBAY, 02261 AUSTRALIA .00801282100% 67-1631-36 O 67-16177 SELANTEK, A WYOMING CORPORATION PO BOX 1087 BRENTWOOD, CA 94513 .016025641% 67-1523-52 67-16487 MIKE GALAM, TRUSTEE OF THE GALAM FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUST 19221 WELLS DR TARZANA, CA 91356-3820 .016025641%..016025641% 67-1431-1, 67-1433-1 67-1988 PATRICIA BARBARA NOONAN AKA PATRICIA B., NOONAN LUNDBERG 6132 BLACKFOOT CIR SEDALIA, CO 80135-8920 .016025641 67-1612-47 67-2251 CURTIS BLAIN JAFFE, KELLY LYNN JAFFE 525 G STREET APT. D JACKSONVILLE, OR 97530 .0080128205% 67-1617-28 O 67-2675 MAMI AOBA, SPOUSE OF AKIHITO AOBA 5-1-5 HONMACHI-NISHI CHUOKU SAITAMA-SHI, SAITAMA-KEN 338-0004 JAPAN .016025641% 67-1721-46 67-2734 MARIA THERESA ADEVA AKA MA/ THERESA VEGA ADEVA, SPOUSE OF BENIGNO CARLOS ADEVA ROLANDO PINEDA ADEVA, SPOUSE OF EVELYN ADEVA LICHEL CELESTE NAVAL-BALLEZA AKA LICHEL BALLEZA ALFONSO ALLAN MANDIGMA BALEZA II 180 VANDER ST CORONA, CA 92880 .016025641% 67-1635-37 67-3165 JAMIE H. TAGGART, THERESA ROSE TAGGART 1201 RICHWOOD DR SE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49508-8931 .016025641% 67-1625-22 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23284.0030) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; 67-4645 ANA ANITA MORAL 1766 GROVE ST GLENVIEW, IL 60025-3054 .016025641% 67-1721-4 67-501419 CAROLINE SAENZ, ARTURO ALTAMIRANO 2148 S TERRACE DR NAPA, CA 94559-4109 0.00801282100% 67-1724-38 O 67-501747 DAVID CHIPING LIU,MY-NGA THI LE 2211 BLARNEY PL SE BELLEVUE, WA 98004-7062 0.016025641% 67-1915-23 67-5552 MIND CORPORATION, A HAWAII CORPORATION 886-17 ITABASHI ODAWARA-SHI, KANAGAWA 250-0034 JAPAN .016025641% 67-1822-27 67-5690 DAVID PAUL ALLEN #201 HALEAKALA 2-15-14 TAKAIDO-HIGASHI SUGINAMI-KU, TKY 168-0072 JAPAN .016025641% 67-1823-42 67-5834 SOYO ASANO, KOICHI ASANO, HUSBAND OF HITOMI ASANO YURIKO HIYAMIZU, WIFE OF TOMOAKI HIYAMIZU 21-8, TAKIMICHI, AOBA-KU SENDAI-SHI, MIYAGI-KEN 981-0951 JAPAN .016025641% 67-1824-45 67-5871 KYLA MINDEA EHRET 3970 DEERGRASS CIR ROCKLIN, CA 95677-4050 .0080128205% 67-1627-21 O 67-6055 BRENT DELMONT AUBLE, PAMELA FINE AUBLE FKA PAMELA ELIZABETH FINE 1542 COAT RIDGE RD HERNDON, VA 20170-2728 .016025641% 67-1723-38 67-6406 PAMELA LANE FLEMKE 8509 OAKLEIGH RD PARKVILLE, MD 21234-3727 .0080128205% 67-1612-11 O 67-7105 EDWARD ALLEN MABE, EVE ILENE KAROBLIS-MABE FKA EVE ILENE KAROBLIS 12512 POLARIS DR GRASS VALLEY, CA 95949-7632 .0080128205% 67-1911-24 O 67-7393 JAMES GRAY GILBERT, CANDACE NANCE GILBERT 704 WEST 9TH STREET AUSTIN, TX 78701 .016025641% 67-1914-18 67-7630 JUAN GARCIA CASTELLANO, VERONICA BONNE CASTELLANO AKA VERONICA MAES CASTELLANOS 8507 REDCLIFF RD HOUSTON, TX 77064-7913 .016025641% 67-1812-2 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (23284.0031) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No. 67-7754 YASUTO AOSHIMA, MASAE AOSHIMA 1994-4, SHIMADACHI MATSUMOTO, NAGANO 3900852 JAPAN .0080128205% 67-1518-40 O 67-7899 ANDREW PETER CORCORAN 11 CALVELEY GROVE LIVERPOOL, L180HG ENGLAND .016025641% 67-1517-12 67-7996 JOHN ANTHONY WORSHAM 8060 PINE LN ROGERS, AR 72756-7660 .016025641% 67-1821-20 67-8381 DIN KUEN LEONG, TAMMY LYNN LEONG 1404 BUCKINGHAM DRIVE BRENTWOOD, CA 94513-2988 .008012821% 67-1923-19 E 67-8581 OLLIS CONNIE JOHNSON, KATHLEEN BRAY JOHNSON 1209 CLIFF SWALLOW CT GRANBURY, TX 76048-2677 .016025641% 67-1912-21 67-8815 AGUS PRAWIRO HOGONO NUGROHO, ELLEN WAHYUNI 25269 GOLD HILLS DR CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94552-5460 .008012821% 67-1413-38 O 67-9089 GLENN DOUGLAS LYTH, LESLIE ALEXANDRA LYTH 85 DOUGLASDALE POINT S.E. CALGARY, AB CANADA .008012821% 67-1417-31 O 67-9100 ROBIN NICOLE SOONG PUTMAN P O BOX 3660 LIHUE, HI 96766 .008012821% 67-1924-22 O 67-9227 JIMMIE MACK SINGLETON, LINDA SUE SINGLETON 8307 S PRAIRIE AVE CHICAGO, IL 60619-4811 .008012821% 67-1927-41 O 67-9831 ANTHONY MICHAEL DELBAGNO, ANTOINETTE PETTI DELBAGNO 2280 TIMBERLANE AVE SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 .016025641% 67-1911-34 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES (62474.0003) Contract No./Owner(s), Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.: 69-501951 HARUO UCHIYAMA, NORIKO UCHIYAMA, AYAKO UCHIYAMA, SAYAKO UCHIYAMA 5-38-14-3F SHIRAITODAI FUCHU-SHI, TOKYO 183-0011 JAPAN 0.001067803160287790% 69-6028-26-7 (WHT1290898 8/7, 8/14, 8/21/20)