PUBLIC NOTICE TO SUCCESSORS DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS HOMESTEAD SERVICES DIVISION DISTRICT OPERATIONS BRANCH NOTICE TO POSSIBLE SUCCESSORS OF THE FOLLOWING DECEASED LEASEHOLDERS, WHO DIED AND FAILED TO DESIGNATE A SUCCESSOR(S) TO THEIR HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS LEASE UNDER THE HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION ACT, 1920, AS AMENDED. AIWOHI, Darryl K., Residence Lease No. 4151, Lot No. 21, Paukukalo, Maui AKEN, Elwood K., Residence Lease No. 8334, Lot No. 43, PKE, Oahu BUMATAY, Raymond K., Agriculture Lease No. 4218, Lot No. 140, Panewa, Hawaii HAINA, Sally K., Pastoral Lease No. 9051, Lot No. 1, Puukapu, Hawaii HUIHUI, Sybil K., Residence Lease No. 775, Lot No. 23, Papakolea, Oahu JOHN, Michael, Jr., Residence Lease No. 1880, Lot No. 34B1, Keaukaha, Hawaii KAHALE, Marian I., Residence Lease No. 4051, Lot No. 64, Waimanalo, Oahu KANUI, John, Residence Lease No. 9301, Lot No. 88, Kaniohale, Hawaii KAUPU, Joanka K., Residence Lease No. 4385, Lot No. 81, Nanakuli, Oahu KOANUI, Florence I., Residence Lease No. 12826, Lot No. 37, Kauluokahai, Oahu LEE, Walter Y., Residence Lease No. 12743, Lot No. 13745, Maluohai2, Oahu LIMAHAI, John K., Residence Lease No. 12675, Lot No. 35, Anahola, Kauai MUNEKATA, Naomi E., Agriculture Lease No. 6952, Lot No. 1, Makuu, Hawaii NAONE, George L., Residence Lease No. 708-A, Lot No. 130-A-2, Nanakuli, Oahu OMPHROY-RODRIGUES, Aminta D., Residence Lease No. 9671, Lot No. 254, Keaukaha, Hawaii PEREIRA, Shauna-Ann E., Residence Lease No. 5091, Lot No. 264A, Keaukaha, Hawaii POAIPUNI, Roland K., Residence Lease No. 10295, Lot No. 219, Waiohuli, Maui All possible successors of the above-named decedents are hereby notified to present their claims to succeed to the homestead lease together with proof of their qualifications to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands at its Oahu District Office at 91-5420 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, Hawaii 96707, or at any of the neighbor island district offices within four (4) months from the first day of publication of this notice, ending on October 7, 2021, or be forever barred from succeeding to the lease. Individuals presenting claims on behalf of minors must also provide proof of conservatorship. Dated: 05/20/2021 Tyler Gomes for Hawaiian Homes Commission (WHT1329322 06/07, 06/14, 06/21, 06/28/21)