SECOND NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE BY AUCTION Pursuant to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order Granting Plaintiff’s Motion for Default Judgment and Summary Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure Against All Defendants on Complaint Filed September 30, 2019; Exhibit A filed on April 20, 2021 in Civil No. 19-1-0209K, Third Circuit Court in the State of Hawaii, the undersigned Commissioner has been directed to sell the following described property at public auction. DESCRIPTION: Fee Simple Apartment Located at 75-6081 Ali’i Drive, Unit AA104 Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 TMK: (3) 7-5-020-073 CPR 0228 Clean and well-kept three (3) bedroom/two (2) bath apartment in Ali’i Lani in downtown Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. District area schools are Kealakehe Elementary, Intermediate and High Schools. This serves as notice that the auction scheduled for August 6, 2021 at noon at the flagpole at Hale Halawai is postponed. The new auction date is September 1, 2021 at noon at the flagpole at Hale Halawai. For further details and legal description contact: SHAWN MAILE NAKOA, ESQ. Rush Moore LLP A Limited Liability Law Partnership 75-167 Kalani Street, Suite 105 Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 Telephone No.: (808) 324-7575 Commissioner (WHT1337783 8/16/21)