DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OF HAWAII NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD AND VIRTUAL PUBLIC HEARING 2022 TRIENNIAL REVIEW OF STATE SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS DOCKET NO. CWB-1-22 The Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH), Clean Water Branch (CWB) is scheduling a public comment period from the date of this notice until March 30, 2022 to solicit input from the public and other stakeholders about the 2022 triennial review of state surface water quality standards. Written comments can be submitted during the public comment period. All comments must be submitted no later than March 30, 2022. The CWB is holding a virtual public hearing at 10 AM (Hawaiian Standard Time) on March 30, 2022. Oral comments can be submitted at the virtual public hearing. Although not required, the HDOH strongly encourages commenters at the virtual public hearing to also submit oral comments in writing. The details of the 2022 triennial review of state surface water quality standards, the guidelines for submitting comments, and the instructions for joining the virtual public hearing can be accessed online from the CWB website at If more information is needed or any difficulties are encountered, please contact the CWB by e-mail at, or by phone at 808-586-4309. If special assistance is required due to disability, please contact Mr. Myron Honda of the CWB, at the above e-mail address or phone number, at least seven (7) days before the public hearing so that arrangements can be made. ELIZABETH A. CHAR, M.D. Director of Health (WHT1360314 2/11/22)