West Hawaii Today
Notice #: 0001388558-01
Public Notices

BURIAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that a historic cemetery, designated as State Inventory of Historic Places (SIHP) 50-10-27-27384, was found to be impacted by storm wave surge disturbance and ongoing erosional impacts from wave activity. The cemetery is located in Halepa’o Bay, Keahuolu Ahupua’a, North Kona District, Hawai’i Island, TMK: (3) 7-4-008:002. Following the procedures of the Hawai’i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai’i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, these remains are believed to be over 50 years old. Based on the context of the finds, they are most likely Native Hawaiian. Background research indicates that during the Mahele, the entire ahupua’a of Keauhuolu was awarded to Ane Keohokalole through Land Commission Award (LCA) 8452: Apana 12 (Royal Patent 6851). The six kuleana (maka’ainana) LCA claims granted in Keahuolu are located mauka of the Upper Government Road. No kuleana lands were granted in the coastal areas of Keahuolu where SIHP -27384 is located. The landowner is the Lili’uokalani Trust, and the contact person is: Mana Purdy, 1100 Alakea Street, Suite 1100, Honolulu, HI 96813 [TEL (808) 203-6150, FAX (808) 203-6151]. The landowner has proposed preservation in place for SIHP 50-10-27-27384, alongside development and implementation of preservation measures to mitigate shoreline erosional effects; however, the decision to preserve in place or relocate these previously identified human remains shall be made by the Hawai’i Island Burial Council in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) and any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. Appropriate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38. All persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these iwi kupuna are requested to immediately contact Mr. Jordan Calpito, Hawai’i Island Burial Sites Specialist, at 40 Po’okela Street, Hilo, Hawai’i, 96720 [TEL (808) 933-7653, FAX (808) 933-7655]. All interested parties shall respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy claim forms and/or provide information to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these designated burials or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua’a or district. (SA/WHT1388558 9/30, 10/2, 10/5/22)