NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE ON MORTGAGES AND OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (1) KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES, (2) WBKL VACATION SUITES, (3) THE BAY CLUB AT WAIKOLOA BEACH RESORT AND (4) OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES (1) Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-007-032, (2) Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-008-012, (3) 6-9-008-023, (3) 6-9-008-024, (3) Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-7-31 and (4) Tax Map Key No.: (3) 6-9-007-039 NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor (See Exhibit “A”) whose address is 6355 Metro West Blvd., Orlando FL 32835 (“Mortgagee”), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit “A”) executed by (See “Exhibit “A”) in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See “Exhibit “A”) and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii as Document No. (See Exhibit “A”) and will hold a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as: (1) KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES, located at 69-600 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa HI 96738 (the “Project”) secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest having an Interval Control No.: (See Exhibit “A”) as tenant(s) in common with the holders of the other undivided interests in and to the time share project known as KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for Kohala Coast Vacation Suites, recorded on February 12, 2004 in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii, as Document No. 2004-030035 (“Declaration”) NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor (See Exhibit “A”) whose address is 6355 Metro West Blvd., Orlando FL 32835 (“Mortgagee”), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit “A”) executed by (See “Exhibit “A”) in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See “Exhibit “A”) and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii as Document No. (See Exhibit “A”) and will hold a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as: (2) WBKL VACATION SUITES, located at 69-699 Waikoloa beach Drive, Waikoloa HI 96738 (the “Project”) secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest having an Interval Control No.: (See Exhibit “A”) as tenant(s) in common with the holders of the other undivided interests in and to the time share project known as WBKL VACATION SUITES (the “Project”) as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for WBKL Vacation Suites, recorded on September 21, 2006 in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii, as Document No. 2006-173435 (“Declaration”) NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor (See Exhibit “A”) whose address is 6355 Metro West Boulevard, Orlando FL 32835 (“Mortgagee”), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit “A”) executed by (See “Exhibit “A”) in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See “Exhibit “A”) and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii as Document No. (See Exhibit “A”) and will hold a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as: (3) THE BAY CLUB AT WAIKOLOA BEACH RESORT, located at 69-450 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Suite 227, Kamuela HI 96738 (the “Project”) secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest in said Project as noted as Vacation Ownership Interest (See Exhibit “A”), Apartment No. (See Exhibit “A”), as established by that certain Declaration of Condominium Property Regime of The Bay Club at Waikoloa Beach Resort, dated November 28, 1990, recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii (the “Bureau”) as Document No. 90- 183537, as amended (“Condominium Declaration”) and The Bay Club Vacation Owners Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, dated July 13, 1995, recorded at said Bureau as Document No. 95-091102 (the “Program Declaration”) NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor (See Exhibit “A”) whose address is 6355 Metro West Boulevard, Orlando FL 32835 (“Mortgagee”), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit “A”) executed by (See “Exhibit “A”) in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See “Exhibit “A”) and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii as Document No. (See Exhibit “A”) and will hold a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as: (4) OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES, located at 69-425 Waikoloa Beach Dr, Waikoloa HI 96738 (the “Project”) secured by said mortgage, consisting of consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit “A”) interest in said Project as noted as ICN#(See Exhibit “A”) as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for Ocean Tower Vacation Suites, recorded November 6, 2017, in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No. A-65190461, as amended (“Declaration”).The sale shall be conducted at: THE FLAGPOLE FRONTING HALE HALAWAI PARK, ALII DRIVE, KAILUA-KONA, HI 96740 ON JANUARY 17, 2023 AT 12:00 NOON. Terms of sale are: (i) each of the properties to be sold is an undivided ownership interest in the Project and shall be sold separately to satisfy the mortgage “AS-IS, WHERE-IS” without representation and/or warranty of any kind with respect to condition, title, possession or encumbrances and without upset price by quitclaim conveyance (ii) Purchaser must, at close of Auction, pay to Mortgagee a non-refundable down payment of 10% of the highest successful bid price in cash (U.S.), or by cashier’s or certified check as a non-refundable deposit with the balance of the purchase price payable in full within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Auction with such deposit being deemed earned and non-refundable and which shall be retained by Mortgagee as liquidated damages if Purchaser fails to pay the balance due timely. (iv) Purchaser shall pay all costs, expenses, and other sums (including, without limitation, conveyance taxes, recording fees, and special assessments due pursuant to H.R.S. Sec. 514A-90 and Sec. 514B-146); (v) Mortgagee shall be entitled to credit bid up to the amount of sums due under the mortgage (together with all late fees, finance charges, attorney’s fees and costs due and owing under the mortgage); (vi) Purchaser must register to bid at the time of sale and by submitting a bid Purchaser acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions contained herein and to those additional terms which may be acknowledged by Purchaser at the Sale. Sale is subject to cancellation and/or postponement for any reason, or no reason, before or after commencement or bidding. THE DEFAULT UNDER THE MORTGAGE AGREEMENT MAY BE CURED NO LATER THAN THREE BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC SALE OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY BY PAYING THE ENTIRE AMOUNT WHICH WOULD BE OWED TO THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE IF THE PAYMENTS UNDER THE MORTGAGE AGREEMENT HAD NOT BEEN ACCELERATED, PLUS THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE’S ATTORNEY’S FEES AND COSTS, AND ALL OTHER FEES AND COSTS INCURRED BY THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE RELATED TO THE DEFAULT, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BETWEEN THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE AND THE BORROWER. THERE IS NO RIGHT TO CURE THE DEFAULT OR ANY RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THAT TIME. IF THE DEFAULT IS SO CURED, THE PUBLIC SALE SHALL BE CANCELED. THIS IS AN ACTION TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR SUCH PURPOSE. This is a non-judicial foreclosure proceeding to permit HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION to pursue its in rem remedies under Hawaii law. This foreclosure sale is being conducted by Law Offices of Marvin S.C. Dang, LLLC, whose office is located at P.O. Box 4109, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812-4109. For further particulars, contact: Sharon Warner for HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, phone number (888) 491-1120 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time). HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation By: RAFAEL ORREGO, Authorized Agent. EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES 23117.0103; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Vacation Ownership Interest, Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Patricia Anne Gamache, Judith Arlene Castle, 1/28/2020, A-74020314, 0.016025641%&0.016025641%, 0.016025641%&0.016025641%, 67-1925-42&67-1822-12; William Rawski Huntington, 10/7/2019, A-73130468, 0.008012821%, 0.008012821%, 67-1532-51 O; Johna Virginia Beall-Ohlmann, Kim Gilbert Ohlmann, 3/6/2018, A-67100296, 0.008012821%&0.008012821%, 0.008012821%&0.008012821%. 67-1821-19 O&67-1432-22 E; Enrique Krajmalnik, Leslie Argin Krajmalnik, 3/12/2018, A-74450289, 0.016025641%, 0.016025641%, 67-1616-16; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES 23117.0104; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Vacation Ownership Interest, Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Jeffery Lynn Stillwell, Julia Ann Stillwell, 12/24/2018, A-70170329, 0.008012821%&0.008012821%&0.016025641%, 0.008012821%&0.008012821%&0.016025641%, 67-1418-6 O&67-1413-27 E&67-1734-47; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KOHALA COAST VACATION SUITES 23117.0105; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Vacation Ownership Interest, Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Fortunata Festante, Timothy Joseph Mobley, Chelsea Ann Mobley, 5/11/2015, A-57560534, 0.01602564100%, 0.01602564100%, 67-1816-13; Eric Paul Ernst, Tara Marie Ernst, 11/11/2013, A-51910277, 0.00801282100%, 0.00801282100%, 67-1816-18 E; Kathryn Keiko Watanabe, 11/24/2014, A-55700208, 0.01602564100%, 0.01602564100%, 67-1931-43; Perry Earl Olin, Judith Mary Olin, 6/2/2016, A-61730241, 0.00801282100%, 0.00801282100%, 67-1432-2 E; Lesle May Schultz, 9/7/2016, A-62210251, 0.01602564100%, 0.01602564100%, 67-1634-33; Joseph Sebastian Ritter, Denise Marie Ritter, 3/16/2017, A-63330455, 0.008012821%&0.008012821%, 0.008012821%&0.008012821%, 67-1833-48 O&67-1928-26 E; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION SUITES 23124.0153; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Jeremy Paul Minnillo, Bree Ann Minnillo, 6/14/2019, A-71360211, 0.0097280915%, 68-2312-23; Stephen Allen Stevens, Spouse Of Laverne Hanes Stevens, 7/1/2015, A-57320654, 0.01193189910%, 68-29109-13 E; Amy Kembra Hustedde, James Francis Keeley, 1/31/2021, A-77480123, 0.0238637982%, 68-30103-50; Nicole Lesley Barnett, Michael Robert Barnett, 4/13/2015, A-56860232, 0.00760298970%, 68-29106-18 E; Pasitthisay Duangprachanh, Cheryl Ann-Marie Deuz Duangprachanh, 12/13/2018, A-70450124, 0.0119318991%&0.0119318991%, 68-30207-27 O&68-30303-16 E; Heather C Daly, Justin Michael Mann, 3/14/2020, A-7420472, 0.0238637982%, 68-29301-38; Daiji Nagashima, Chisako Nagashima, 1/20/2012, A-45170020, .0152059794%, 68-30310-6; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION SUITES 23124.0154; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Venetia Jan Young, 6/18/2015, A-59760126, 0.0199184290%, 68-32311-42; Michael P. Murray, 11/19/2018, A-69610364, 0.0152059794%, 68-29210-28; Marquis Eugene Smith, 4/26/2019, A-71090321, 0.0172903030%, 68-31308-14; Shinsuke Kimura, Rikako Kimura, 11/28/2019, A-73280583, 0.0076029897%, 68-30114-38 E; Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Konomi Haruki, 8/20/2021, A-80100188, 0.0076029897%, 68-29204-28 O; Victor Brent Ponder, Rebecca Ponder, 6/23/2021, A-80130069, 0.0109669920%&0.0109669920%&0.0109669920%, 68-32314-28&68-33310-13&68-32206-22; Ei Mizuki, Husband Of Kazuko Mizuki, 7/11/2014, A-53710240, 0.01520597940%, 68-29102-52; Alan Richard Rouse, Traci Bernadette Rouse, 5/26/2019, A-57560129, 0.00972809150%&0.00972809150%, 68-2532-4&68-2512-2; Verda Lee, 6/21/2016, A-62180182, 0.0199184290%, 68-33205-1; Bohdanna Marika Kesala, 12/18/2017, A-66420287, 0.0199184290%, 68-33305-20; Janette Groom, Lawrence Keith Groom, Jr., 5/30/2020, A75420027, 0.0097280915%&0.0097280915%, 68-2212-10&68-2712-47; Rodney Smith, 5/29/2021, A-80100204, 0.0172903030%, 68-31208-9; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION SUITES 23124.0155; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Marilynn J. Denson Wright, Billy W. Wright, 3/6/2020, A77100042, 0.0097280915%, 68-2314-26; Lisa Lynne Ware, Jamie Elizabeth Ray, 6/17/2021, A-80330046, 0.0119318991%&0.0119318991%, 68-29107-45 O&68-29109-34 E; James David Summers, Janet Gatlin Summers, 3/15/2018, A-67090184, 0.0199184290%&0.0068281938%, 68-33209-6&68-2632-51; Hayato Miki, Husband Of Sachie Miki, 8/18/2018, A-68570531, 0.0068281938%, 68-2613-26; Douglas J. Feck, 1/5/2018, A-66740244, 0.0252537230%, 68-31211-42; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION SUITES 23124.0156; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Neil Martin Gerritsen, Cindy Lyn Gerritsen, 9/26/2008, 2011-026489, 0.0097280915%, 68-2216-25; Wayne Charles Summers, Shirley Lee Summers, 11/25/2017, A-66050410, 0.0097280915%, 68-2532-38; Dawn Waddell Moss, Phillip Dontez Moss, 8/3/2019, A-72300639, 0.00486404575%, 68-2325-13 E; Joseph Mark Johnson, Kristen Mercer Johnson, 8/27/2019, A-72410246, 0.0238637982%, 68-30301-4; Felita Jeanette Jackson-Clark And Robert Milton Clark, Jr., Trustees Of The Felita J. And Robert M. Clark, Jr. Living Trust, Dated April 21, 2006, 9/15/2019, A-72750500, 0.0252537230%&0.0252537230%, 68-31201-10&68-31201-33; Kenneth Fred Ebersole, Minnie Mcelveen Ebersole, 6/18/2017, A-64490131, 0.0141286480%, 68-32107-19; Nancy Ann Scevola, John Joseph Scevola, 10/5/2018, A-69340253, 0.0199184290%, 68-31305-19; Mark Stephen Mckenna, Susan Jean Mckenna, 11/23/2018, A-70200253, 0.0238637982%, 68-29113-42; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: WBKL VACATION SUITES 23124.0157; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Mary Spencer Diel, 8/29/2019, A-72690163, 0.0097280915%&0.00341409690%, 68-2323-5&68-2411-27-O; Wayne Charles Summers, Shirley Lee Summers, 6/12/2015, A-58130167, 0.00972809150%, 68-2734-27; Hiroaki Geka, Sachie Geka, 9/27/2013, A-51080040, 0.00486404575%, 68-1826-23 O; Joseph Sebastian Ritter, Denise Marie Ritter, 12/20/2013, A-52250496, 0.00972809150%, 68-2334-1; Irene Silva, 4/2/2014, A-52900337, 0.00760298970%, 68-30204-20 E; Christine Carol Mantani, Mark Paul Mantani, 7/28/2015, A-59760185, 0.0252537230%, 68-33101-46; Joseph Sebastian Ritter, Denise Marie Ritter, 10/4/2015, A-58050182, 0.00972809150%, 68-2815-47; Robert Allen Foster, Sr., Sooriyakumarie Marie Rita Foster, 8/8/2018, A-68730436, 0.0238637982%, 68-29211-17; Robin Daniel Barreno, Jr., Sharmagne Salonga, 11/3/2019, A-73340199, 0.0097280915%, 68-2513-6; Yvonne Fabian Wilson, 12/29/2019, A-73890138, 0.0097280915%&0.0238637982%, 68-2325-52&68-30207-22; Charles Winston Mcneill, Audrey Mcdonald Mcneill, 6/30/2020, A-76770023, 0.0097280915%, 68-2733-11; Jeff L. Bronner, 5/29/2021, A-80100233, 0.0109669920%&0.0109669920%&0.0109669920%&0.0172903030%, 68-32320-27&68-32320-24&68-32312-26&68-31208-16; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: THE BAY CLUB AT WAIKOLOA BEACH RESORT 40594.0043; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Vacation Ownership Interest, Undivided Interest, Interval Control No., Apartment No; Michael Ken Akiyoshi, Heather Ann Akiyoshi, 8/3/2016, A-61510278, 918-37- E&411-24-O, 1/102&1/102, 918&411; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES 58299.0041; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Noriyuki Yamamoto, Akiko Yamamoto, 1/2/2020, A73550578; 0.001438364987602270%, 69-4058-3-7; La Nitra Elaine Clinch-Savage, Michael Irving, 6/25/2021, A79540305; 0.000533901580143893%, 69-4055-39-7-E; Hombre D. Thomas, Aubrey N. Clenna, 9/4/2020, A76750205; 0.00213804422 7334220%, 69-5033-20-7; Judith Ann Churchill, Peter Andrew Cimma, 7/1/2021, A80100005; 0.002138044227334220%, 69-3033-32-7; Karisma Erin Tillis, 5/14/2021, A78910539; 0.000533901580143893%, 69-4054-21-7-O; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES 58299.0042; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Burke L. Plain, Melanie Linn Plain, 9/19/2018, A-69200086, 0.002138044227334220%, 69-3030-31-7; Matthew Lee Mcclintock, Carrie Marie Fendley, 6/25/2020, A75360117, 0.001067803160287790%, 69-4029-34-7; Harliegh Anne Stoecker, Shane Andrew Stoecker, 4/26/2021, A-78520027, 0.000533901580143893%, 69-3055-20-7-E; Glendon Oret Coore, Shawna Lenee Marchaman, 4/27/2021, A-78520016, 0.000533901580143893%, 69-4029-28-7-O; Dana Dawn Kreusel, Kye Tyrell Kreusel, 11/1/2019, A-72790277, 0.001733351705398670%, 69-5024-29-7; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES 58299.0043; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Harry John Zisko, Melinda Agbayani Zisko, 12/18/2019, A-73960030, 0.002138044227334220%&0.001733351706398670%, 69-1066-15-7&69-3068-51-7; Shannon Patricia Moran, 6/30/2021, A-79790196, 0.000533901580143893%, 69-5029-39-7-O; Carl Louis Bush, Iii Aka Carl Louis Bush, Shirleyann B. Bush, 9/16/2021, A-81370021, 0.001067803160287790%, 69-3071-7-7; Daryl Kent Sessions, Shariene Rene Sessions, 6/27/2021, A-80190039, 0.000533901580143893%, 69-2061-9-7-O; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES 58299.0044; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Kelsey L. Johnson, Wife Of Derrick Cooper, 8/4/2021, A-80730002, 0.000719182493801135%, 69-3026-9-7-O; EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: OCEAN TOWER VACATION SUITES 58299.0045; Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC and/or Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; Christopher Johnson, 2/27/2019, A-72090516, 0.002138044227334220%, 69-6033-10-7; Alexsus Monique Jackson, Quayshun J. Morris, 8/15/2020, A76920010, 0.001067803160287790%, 69-7027-43-7; Norman Glen Howell, Libby Cabeza Howell, 5/30/2021, A-79540212, 0.001733351705398670%, 69-6068-10-7; (WHT1396712 12/16, 12/23, 12/30/22)