THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE 3CLP-23-0000380 NOTICE TO DEBORAH ANN WILEY, aka DEBORAH A. WILEY, aka DEBORAH WILEY, aka DEBBY ANN WILEY, aka DEBBY A. WILEY, aka DEBBY WILEY, aka DEBBIE ANN WILEY, aka DEBBIE A. WILEY, aka DEBBIE WILEY, and interested persons: A Petition for Determination of Death of the above-named missing person has been filed by JAMES A. WILEY. You are hereby notified that January 8, 2024 at 3:00pm before the Presiding Judge, sitting in Probate at 74-5451 Kamakaeha Ave, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 is the appointed date, time and place for hearing said Petition, and Petition may be heard via Zoom remote conferencing, Zoom conference ID 611 203 9134 and non-attorney participants unable to participate by video may call 1 888 788 0099 to participate by telephone by using the Zoom video conference ID. DATED Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, November 14, 2023. SHELLEY F. MANDGUIT Clerk of the Above-Entitled Court Attorney for Petitioner JAMES A. WILEY PAYESKO LAW FIRM, LLLC DONNA V. PAYESKO #9077 Post Office Box 1554 Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745 Telephone: (808) 989-8390 Email: (WHT1437374 11/22, 11/29, 12/06/23)