NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE FEE SIMPLE HOUSE&LOT 55-732 Hawi Road, Hawi, HI 96719 By order of the Third Circuit Court in Mortgage Assets Management, LLC, v. Medeiros, et al. Civ. No. 3CCV-23-0000135, the undersigned Commissioner has been appointed to sell the following property at public auction. PROPERTY: 23,000 sf lot (0.5280 acre); 1,624 sf house OPEN HOUSES: None will be held per court order. AUCTION DATE: Friday, January 3, 2025, at 12 Noon AUCTION PLACE: Flag-pole at Keahuolu Courthouse 74-5451 Kamakaeha Ave, Kailua-Kona TERMS OF SALE: NO UPSET PRICE. Property to be sold “as is” at public auction without any representations or warranties as to title or possession. Ten percent (10%) of the bid price shall be paid by cashier’s check at the close of auction, balance payable upon delivery of title after approval and confirmation by the Third Circuit Court, and is subject to forfeiture in whole or in part for failure to close. Bidders must show commissioner their ability to make the required down payment prior to bidding, except mortgage holder may credit bid. Buyer(s) responsible for all costs of closing including conveyancing documents and taxes, notary fees, escrow and recording fees, costs of securing possession and fees and costs approved by the Court. Sale subject to Court Confirmation. The inability of the purchaser to secure title insurance or financing shall not affect the date of closing. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Commissioner FRANK L. MILLER: P.O. Box 415, Kealakekua, HI 96750; Tel. 808-323-2252; Fax. 808-323-2322; Email: (WHT1476429 12/06, 12/13, 12/20/24)