West Hawaii Today
Notice #: 0001378210-02

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING You are invited to a public information meeting for the Waikoloa Affordable Workforce Housing project, a 100% affordable rental project planned within Waikoloa Beach Resort: Monday, July 18, 2022 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. HST ZOOM MEETING: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqcu2qqTIoGdLsoIwMRuhcz 0s4hB_21TcI Meeting ID: 837 5427 9236 Passcode: 580627 At the meeting Waikoloa Affordable Workforce Housing representatives will provide an overview of plans and answer questions from the public. The Waikoloa Affordable Workforce Housing property is located makai of Queen Ka’ahumanu Highway in Waikoloa Beach Resort, south of Queens’ Marketplace with access from Waikoloa Beach Drive. The property is approximately 25.38 acres (TMK (3)6-9-008:032). Waikoloa Affordable Workforce Housing will include up to 228 multifamily homes. Amenities will include a community recreation center with preliminary plans for a meeting area, childcare facility, and a swimming pool. It will also include landscaped and natural open spaces with walking paths. This public information meeting is open to all interested parties. Please direct any questions to Daniel Sandomire at: daniel@stanfordcarr.com