PUBLIC NOTICE Persons having knowledge of traditional cultural resources, practices, or beliefs associated with Mauna Loa, and in particular on its northern slopes near the Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO), are requested to contact Benjamin Barna, Ph.D., ASM Affiliates, (808) 969-6066, 507A E. Lanikaula St., Hilo, HI 96720 and/or Christine Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), (303) 497-5397. The MLO is located on Tax Map Key parcels (3) 4-4-016:009 and 011, about 5.8 miles below Moku’aweoweo crater at about 11,150 ft above sea level. Interested parties are asked to respond within thirty (30) days of this notice. NOAA plans to remove obsolete facilities, upgrade usable facilities, and add new facilities to support the operations of the MLO. The site has a number of identified code compliance improvements that are needed for safety. NOAA is interested in building sustainably, using robust materials that support low maintenance over the long-term, and incorporating the elements of LEED building practices (and certification) wherever possible. The project would include improvements to the Keeling Building, a new 40-meter sampling tower, relocation of the Chin Building, new septic system, a new science roof deck platform, power improvements, grounding rod installation, a new workshop garage, a new carport, power distribution to three science centers, and the demolition and removal of obsolete structures (tower, outhouse, radon building). (SA/WHT1385196 9/4, 9/7, 9/9/22)