Public Notice
County of Hawai’i
Department of Finance
Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources
Preservation Commission
Do you know of a special property in Hawai’i County
that should be permanently preserved? The County
of Hawai’i Public Access, Open Space, and Natural
Resources Preservation Commission (PONC) is seeking
suggestions from the public nominating lands that could
possibly be preserved.
Properties may qualify for preservation because they
offer opportunities for education, public access to
beaches or mountains, cultural signifi cance, natural
resources, and outdoor recreation. Nominations may
include beaches, coastal areas, forests, places of
natural beauty, in addition to the protection of natural
resources such as watersheds
for general benefi ts to the public.
Scan the QR Code to get the
2023 Suggestion Form.
The 2023 Suggestion Forms
must be received by Tuesday,
January 31, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.
as evidenced by the County of
Hawaii time clock (HST) by email or mail. Any forms
received late will not be reviewed. All forms received
will not be returned.
To obtain the “2023 Suggestion Form” to nominate
properties, please scan the QR code or contact Maxine
Cutler, Property Management Division, at (808) 961-8069.
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