West Hawaii Today


Feb 26(1.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget & Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: https://budget.hawaii.gov/finance/unclaimedproperty/. The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and (...) (End Date: Mar 1) (p1)
Jun 1(2.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget & Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: https://budget.hawaii.gov/ finance/unclaimedproperty/. On July 1, 2024, funds less than $100 deposited into the Unclaimed Property fund on or prior to June 30, 2014 will escheat to the State. Owners can file claims with the Unclaimed Property Program. Claims postmarked June 30, 2024 will (...) (End Date: Jun 1) (p1)
Feb 28(3.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget & Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: https://budget.hawaii.gov/finance/unclaimedproperty/. The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and (...) (End Date: Mar 2) (p1)
Feb 22(4.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget & Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: www.unclaimedproperty.hawaii.gov. The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and (...) (End Date: Feb 26) (p1)
Feb 23(5.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget&Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: www.unclaimedproperty.hawaii.gov. The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and medical refunds, (...) (End Date: Feb 27) (p1)
Feb 24(6.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget&Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: www.unclaimedproperty.hawaii.gov. The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and medical refunds, (...) (End Date: Feb 28) (p1)
Feb 26(7.) NOTICE TO PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and based upon reports filed with the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii, the names of persons appearing to be owners of abandoned property are available at the State of Hawaii, Department of Budget&Finance, Unclaimed Property Program website: www.unclaimedproperty.hawaii.gov. The Unclaimed Property Program holds in custodial capacity abandoned and dormant property. The term abandoned property refers to personal property such as: dormant savings and checking accounts, shares of stock, uncashed payroll checks, uncashed dividend checks, deposits held by utilities, insurance and medical refunds, (...) (End Date: Mar 1) (p1)


Feb 28(8.) Bill Nos. 16 (Draft 2), 25, and 26 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on February 19, 2025, by vote as listed below: Bill 16 (Draft 2): Amends Ordinance No. 06-28, Which Amended Section 25-8-33 (City of Hilo Zone Map) Article 8, Chapter 25 (Zoning Code) of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended) by Changing the District Classification from Agricultural (A-1a) to Neighborhood Commercial (CN-20) at Ponahawai, South Hilo, Hawai'i, Covered by TMK: 2-3-036:018 (Por) (Applicant: Kristin Frost Albrecht) (Area: 8 acres). Requests a ten-year (...) (End Date: Feb 28) (p1)
Feb 14(9.) Bill Nos. 12, 15 (Draft 2), 17, 18 (Draft 2), 19, 20, and 22 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on February 5, 2025, by vote as listed below: Bill 12: Amends Chapter 5D, Article 1, Sections 5D-1-3 and 5D-1-6, of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), Relating to the Electrical Code. Adds electrical work performed by an electrical utility on any generating plant, receiving station, switching station, distributing station, supply lines or mains, overhead service drop, and underground or station service supply conductor as (...) (End Date: Feb 14) (p1)
Feb 7(10.) Ordinance 25-5, 25-6, 25-7, 25-8 and 25-9 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on January 8, 2025, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 25-5 (Bill 207): An Ordinance amending the State Land Use Boundaries Maps for the County of Hawai'i by changing the district classification from the Agricultural to the Rural District at Pu'ukapu, Waimea, South Kohala, Hawai'i, covered by Tax Map Key: 6-4-017:001. AYES: Council Members Galimba, Hustace, Kagiwada, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Onishi, Villegas and Chair Inaba – 8. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Kimball – (...) (End Date: Feb 7) (p1)