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Oct 16
Ordinances 20-68, 20-69, 20-70, 20-71, 20-72, and 20-73 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on September 16, 2020, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 20-68 (Bill 191): An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the County of Hawai'i for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding General Obligation Bonds and Notes; fixing the form, denominations, and certain other details of such Refunding Bonds and providing for their sale to the public; providing for the retirement of the Bonds to be refunded; and authorizing (...)
(End Date: Oct 16) (p19)
Oct 16
Bill Nos. 192, 193 (Draft 2), 196 (Draft 2), and 206 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on October 7, 2020, by vote as listed below: Bill 192: Amends Ordinance No. 20-44, as Amended, Relating to Public Improvements and Financing Thereof for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Adds the Public Works Bridge Inspection&Appraisal - Federal project for $160,000 to the Capital Budget. Funds for this project shall be provided from Federal Grants Receivable. Ayes: Council Members David, Eoff, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Poindexter, (...)
(End Date: Oct 16) (p19)
Oct 2
Bill Nos. 194 and 195 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on September 16, 2020, by vote as listed below: Bill 194: Amends Ordinance No. 20-45, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai'i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021. Increases revenues in the Federal Grants Sex Assault Nurse Coordinator account ($28,337); and appropriates the same to the Sex Assault Nurse Coordinator account, for a total appropriation of $83,337. Ayes: Council Members Chung, David, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Poindexter, Richards, Villegas, and Acting Chair (...)
(End Date: Oct 2) (p19)
Sep 25
Ordinances 20-65, 20-66, and 20-67 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on September 2, 2020, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 20-65 (Bill 182): An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 09-159 which reclassified lands from Agricultural 5 Acres (A-5a) to Multiple Family Residential 30,000 Square Feet (RM-30) at Keauhou, North Kona, Hawai'i, covered by Tax Map Key: 7-8-010:101. AYES: Council Members David, Eoff, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Poindexter, Richards, Villegas, and Chair Chung 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. Ordinance 20-66 (Bill 184): An Ordinance to (...)
(End Date: Sep 25) (p19)
Sep 11
Bill Nos. 183 (Draft 2), 187, 188, 189, 190, and 191 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on September 2, 2020, by vote as listed below: Bill 183 (Draft 2): Amends Ordinance No. 10-19 Which Reclassified Lands from Agricultural 1 Acre (A-1a) to Neighborhood Commercial 20,000 Square Feet (CN-20) at Ponahawai, South Hilo, Hawai'i, Covered by TMK: 2-3-037:019 (Applicant: Brian Sugai) (Area: 43,560 Square Feet). Allows a six-year time extension to Condition D (Time to Complete Construction) to develop an 8,900 square-foot, two-story office building, including one residential (...)
(End Date: Sep 11) (p19)
Sep 11
Ordinances 20-63 and 20-64 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on August 19, 2020, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 20-63 (Bill 150): An Ordinance amending Section 25-8-33 (City of Hilo Zone Map), Article 8, Chapter 25 (Zoning Code) of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2005 Edition), by changing the district classification from Multiple-Family Residential 1,500 Square Feet (RM-1.5) to Single-Family Residential 7,500 Square Feet (RS-7.5) at Waiakea, South Hilo, Hawai'i, covered by Tax Map Key: 2-4-028:009. AYES: Council Members Chung, David, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, (...)
(End Date: Sep 11) (p19)
Aug 28
Ordinances 20-60, 20-61, and 20-62 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on August 5, 2020, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 20-60 (Bill 178): An Ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article 8, Section 19-59, of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as amended), relating to Native Forest Dedications. AYES: Council Members David, Eoff, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Poindexter, Richards, Villegas, and Chair Chung 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. Ordinance 20-61 (Bill 179, Draft 3): An Ordinance establishing a County Construction Code relating to building (...)
(End Date: Aug 28) (p19)
Aug 28
Bill Nos. 182, 184, 185, and 186 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on August 19, 2020, by vote as listed below: Bill 182: Amends Ordinance No. 09-159 Which Reclassified Lands from Agricultural 5 Acres (A-5a) to Multiple Family Residential 30,000 Square Feet (RM-30) at Keauhou, North Kona, Hawai'i, Covered by TMK: 7-8-010:101 (Applicant: Kona Country Club, Inc.) (Area: 51.058 Acres). Allows a five-year time extension to Condition D (Time to Complete Construction) to develop 29 single-family dwellings, including a recreation center. Ayes: Council Members Chung, David, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, (...)
(End Date: Aug 28) (p19)
Aug 14
Ordinance 20-59 I hereby certify that the following bill passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on July 22, 2020, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 20-59 (Bill 177): An Ordinance designating TMK (3) 6-7-002:063 as the "Spencer Kalani Schutte District Park" pursuant to Chapter 15, Article 8, Section 15-67 of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as amended); amending Section 15-68.1 to add the "Spencer Kalani Schutte District Park" to the Parks and Recreational Facility Schedule; and amending Chapter 14, Article 1, Section 14-1 relating to prohibiting the possession or consumption of (...)
(End Date: Aug 14) (p19)
Aug 14
Bill Nos. 150 and 180 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on August 5, 2020, by vote as listed below: Bill 150: Amends Section 25-8-33 (City of Hilo Zone Map), Article 8, Chapter 25 (Zoning Code) of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2005 Edition), by Changing the District Classification from Multiple- Family Residential 1,500 Square Feet (RM-1.5) to Single Family Residential 7,500 Square Feet (RS-7.5) at Waiakea, South Hilo, Hawai'i, Covered by TMK: 2-4-028:009 (Planning Director Initiated) (Area: 3.292 Acres). Returns the parcel to its original designation to (...)
(End Date: Aug 14) (p19)
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