West Hawaii Today


Jul 28(61.) Bill Nos. 51, 57, and 58 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on July 26, 2023, by vote as listed below: Bill 51: Amends Chapter 24, Article 10, Division 1, of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), Relating to Speed Limits. Amends Section 24-256, Schedule 3 by adding Kalaniana'ole Street, James Kealoha Park Access Road to Leleiwi Street to decrease the speed limit from 30 to 25 miles per hour, and removes the same from Section 24-256, Schedule 4. Ayes: Council Members Galimba, Inaba, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, (...) (End Date: Jul 28) (p7)
Jul 14(62.) Bill No. 52 I hereby certify that the following Bill passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on July 6, 2023, by vote as listed below: Bill 52: Repeals Ordinance No. 98-63, Which Amended Ordinance No. 95-70, and Repeals Ordinance No. 95-70, Which Amended Section 25-86 (North and South Kona Districts Zone Map), Article 3, Chapter 25 (Zoning Code) of the Hawai'i County Code, by Changing the District Classification from Agricultural-Twenty Acres (A-20a) to Agricultural-One Acre (A-1a), Agricultural-Three Acres (A-3a), Agricultural-Two Hundred Acres (A-200a), Agricultural-Two Hundred Fifty-Five Acres (A-255a), and Agricultural – Eight Thousand Acres (A-8000a) (...) (End Date: Jul 14) (p7)
Jun 30(63.) Bill Nos. 28 (Draft 2), 43 (Draft 3), 44 (Draft 2), and 48 (Draft 3) I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on June 21, 2023, by vote as listed below: Bill 28 (Draft 2): Amends Chapter 19, Article 7, Section 19-53 and Article 10, Section 19-71, of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), Relating to Real Property Taxes. Safeguards certain agriculturally productive properties which are also used as an owner's primary residence or as an affordable rental from rising assessment values. Ayes: Council Members Evans, (...) (End Date: Jun 30) (p7)
Jun 30(64.) Ordinances 23-50, 23-51, 23-52 and 23-53 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on June 1, 2023, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 23-50 (Bill 30 Draft 4): An Ordinance to establish an Operating Budget for the County of Hawai'i for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. AYES: Council Members Evans, Galimba, Inaba, Kagiwada, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy and Chair Kimball – 8. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Villegas – 1. EXCUSED: None Ordinance 23-51 (Bill 31 Draft 4): An Ordinance relating to (...) (End Date: Jun 30) (p7)
May 26(65.) Bill Nos. 30 (Draft 3), 31 (Draft 3), 41 (Draft 2), and 45 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meetings of the Hawai'i County Council on May 17 and 18, 2023, by vote as listed below: Bill 41 (Draft 2): Amends Section 25-8-2 (North and South Kona District Zone Map), Article 8, Chapter 25 (Zoning Code) of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), by Changing the District Classification from Agricultural – Twenty Acres (A-20a) to Agricultural – Ten Acres (A-10a) at Kaloko, North Kona, Hawai'i, Covered by TMK: 7-3-027:003 (Applicants: Charles (...) (End Date: May 26) (p7)
May 26(66.) Ordinances 23-44, 23-45, and 23-46 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on May 3, 2023, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 23-44 (Bill 36): An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 22-63, as amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai'i for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023. AYES: Council Members Evans, Galimba, Inaba, Kagiwada, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Villegas and Chair Kimball – 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None Ordinance 23-45 (Bill 37 Draft 2): An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 22-63, as (...) (End Date: May 26) (p7)
May 19(67.) Ordinances 23-39, 23-40, 23-41, 23-42 and 23-43 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on April 19, 2023, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 23-39 (Bill 33): An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 22-63, as amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai'i for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023. AYES: Council Members Evans, Galimba, Inaba, Kagiwada, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Villegas and Chair Kimball – 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None Ordinance 23-40 (Bill 34): An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 22-125, which authorized (...) (End Date: May 19) (p7)
May 12(68.) Bill Nos. 42, 46, and 47 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on May 3, 2023, by vote as listed below: Bill 42: Amends Ordinance No. 22-63, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai'i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023. Increases revenues in the Fund Balance From Previous Year account ($47,000); and appropriates the same to the Golf Course Other Current Expenses account. Ayes: Council Members Evans, Galimba, Inaba, Kagiwada, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Lee Loy, Villegas, and Chair Kimball – 9; Noes: None; Absent: (...) (End Date: May 12) (p7)
May 5(69.) Ordinance No. 23-38 (Bill 194, Draft 3) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 25, ARTICLE 2, DIVISION 4, SECTION 25-2-44 OF THE HAWAI?I COUNTY CODE 1983 (2016 EDITION, AS AMENDED), RELATED TO CONDITIONS ON CHANGE OF ZONE. Date Approved: April 19, 2023 Date Effective: April 19, 2023 Copies of the forgoing ordinance, in full, are on file in the Office of the County Clerk for use and examination by the public. **************************************** I hereby certify that Bill 194, Draft 3, passed upon reconsideration after veto, pursuant to Section 3-12, County Charter, County of Hawai'i, at the meeting of the County Council on (...) (End Date: May 5) (p7)
Apr 28(70.) Bill Nos. 36, 37, and 38 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on April 19, 2023, by vote as listed below: Bill 36: Amends Ordinance No. 22-63, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai'i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023. Appropriates revenues in the Federal – Block Grant account ($2,680,506) and the Block Grant – Program Income account ($100,000); and appropriates the same to the following accounts: West Hawai'i Domestic Abuse Shelter Phase 2 Improvements ($252,615), Hawai'i County Economic Opportunity Council – Certified (...) (End Date: Apr 28) (p7)
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