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Jun 8
FERAL GOAT, SHEEP, AND PIG HUNT AND UNGULATE CONTROL PROGRAM ANNOUNCED FOR THE PU'U WA'AWA'A FOREST RESERVE HILO The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announces the opening of the hunting season in the Pu'u Wa'awa'a Forest Reserve Hunting Unit F (PWW) Youth and Disabled Hunt and Makai Sections pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123, "Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting." Dates for each season are listed below: SPECIAL YOUTH AND DISABLED HUNT SEASON: August 7 29, 2021 MAKAI ARCHERY SEASON: August 7 29, 2021 MAKAI MUZZLELOADER SEASON: September 4-19, 2021 DLNR-DOFAW also announces (...)
(End Date: Jun 8) (p8)
May 2
NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS INTERESTED IN PROVIDING LEGAL SERVICES TO THE STATE OF HAWAII Licensed attorneys who wish to provide legal services to the State for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications and Expression of Interest to the Attorney General pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §103D304, as the need arises. A new statement must be signed and electronically submitted pursuant to this Notice, even if you submitted a statement in the past. Attorneys from the same firm must submit separate statements.Please submit your statement(s) electronically to: HAWAIIAG@HAWAII.GOV. In the SUBJECT LINE,please indicate (...)
(End Date: May 2) (p8)
Feb 28
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DISQUALIFY THE AMERICAN SHOPPING PARTY Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) § 11-65, I, SCOTT T. NAGO, Chief Election Officer of the State of Hawaii, hereby provide this notice of intention to disqualify the American Shopping Party, due to the party failing to satisfy the requirements of HRS § 11-61(b), by not having received the requisite amount of votes noted below: 1. At least ten per cent of all votes cast for any of the offices voted upon by all the voters in the state or in at least fifty per cent of the congressional districts; (...)
(End Date: Feb 28) (p8)
Jan 29
Department of Taxation Notice of Adoption of Temporary Administrative Rules Pursuant to Section 231-10.7, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), the Director of Taxation of the State of Hawaii has adopted Temporary Rules Relating to Peer-to-Peer Car-Sharing Marketplaces which have been approved by the Governor and which have the same force and effect as any other administrative rule. The temporary rules clarify that a peer-to-peer marketplace is a "lessor" for purposes of the Rental Motor Vehicle, Tour Vehicle, and Car-Sharing Vehicle Surcharge Tax (RVST) under Chapter 251, HRS, and therefore owes RVST on its rentals to lessees. The temporary rules provide a (...)
(End Date: Jan 29) (p8)
Jan 24
University of Hawai'i Candidate Advisory Council ___________________________ NOMINATE CANDIDATES FOR THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI'I One (1) Hawai'i County seat available for a 5-year term to begin July 1, 2021 The Candidate Advisory Council, created by Act 56, 2007 Session Laws of Hawai'i, qualifies, screens, and presents to the governor, pools of qualified candidates from which the Board of Regents shall be nominated. Visit the Candidate Advisory Council website at or call (808) 956-9083 for more information. Applications will be accepted through February 8, 2021. (WHT1312378 1/24, 1/31, 2/7/21)
(End Date: Feb 7) (p8)
Jan 20
STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTICE OF ANIMAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES AND TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF MAUNA KEA FOREST RESERVE, MAUNA KEA ICE AGE NATURAL AREA RESERVE, PALILA MITIGATION LANDS, AND KAOHE GAME MANAGEMENT AREA Legal Notice DOFAW HILO -- The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) will conduct animal control activities specifically for trapping mouflon/feral sheep hybrids; staff hunting, and/or aerial shooting from helicopters for feral goats, feral sheep, mouflon and mouflon/feral sheep hybrids within palila critical habitat in the Mauna Kea Forest Reserve (Unit A), Mauna Kea Ice Age (...)
(End Date: Jan 20) (p8)
Jan 15
NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS STATE OF HAWAII HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY 1002 NORTH SCHOOL STREET HONOLULU, HAWAII 96817 On or about March 5, 2021, the State of Hawaii will authorize the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA) to submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Capital Fund Program (CFP) HI08P001501-20 grant under Title I of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended to undertake any of the following for the following projects. CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM (CFP) Hawai`i Island: 1. Pahala, Utility Improvements Modernize exterior electrical (...)
(End Date: Jan 15) (p8)
Jan 1
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES NOTICE OF PRESCHOOL OPEN DOORS APPLICATION PERIOD Pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 17-799-5, notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will be accepting applications for the Preschool Open Doors (POD) program starting January 4, 2021 through the closing date of March 31, 2021. Applications received during this period are for consideration for POD program participation during the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Families with children who will be enrolling into kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year are encouraged to apply. The POD program provides child care payments to (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p8)
Dec 27
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAl'I Notice of the Time and Place of the ) Drawing and Impaneling of the ) Grand Jurors to Serve and Act as ) Such During the 2021 Term of the ) Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit ) _________________________________) Notice is hereby given that the drawing and impaneling of the Grand Jurors to serve and act as such in and for the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit, State of Hawai'i, during the 2021 Term will take place at the following places and times: For Panels (...)
(End Date: Dec 27) (p8)
Dec 7
DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF HAWAII NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADMINISTRATIVELY FORFEIT PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PERSONS IDENTIFIED HEREIN AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE AN INTEREST that administrative forfeiture proceedings have been commenced against the property listed herein by the filing with the Attorney General of Petitions for Administrative Forfeiture pursuant to Chapter 712A, (Hawaii Omnibus Criminal Forfeiture Act), Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS"). The appearance of names of persons and business entities in this notice does not mean that they are criminal suspects; it only means that the state believes they may have an (...)
(End Date: Dec 7) (p8)
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