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Jun 12
PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNTY OF HAWAI'I Planning Dept. Applications Accepted May 2020 In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai'i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted. *Applicant/Landowner WINDWARD/LEEWARD PLANNING COMMISSIONS 1. *Danny Julkowski (REZ 20-241) Change of Zone from O&RA-1a to CV-10 on 11.707 acs. at 68-1845 Waikoloa Rd., Waikoloa, S. Kohala, TMK: 6-8-002:057. 2. *Danny Julkowski (SLU 20-053) State Land Use Boundary Amendment from Agricultural to Urban on 11.707 acs. at 68-1845 Waikoloa Rd., Waikoloa, S. Kohala, TMK: 6-8-002:057. 3. *Fairview Avenue Hawai'i, LLC (...)
(End Date: Jun 12) (p78)
Jun 12
PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI'I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT Variance Applications Accepted May 16-31, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Director will be taking action on the following applications: * Deadline to submit written public comments ** Tentative date of Director's decision 1. Glenn&Mary Anne Kunimura Trust (VAR-20-000584) From Chapter 23, Subdivision, Section 23-84, Water Supply on 19.0 acs. at 235 Akala Rd., S. Hilo, TMK: 2-5-006:145. *Jun. 1, 2020 **Jun. 15, 2020. 2. Charles F. Hosley (VAR-20-000585) From Chapter 23, Subdivision, Section 23-84, Water Supply on 2.471 acs. at 45-328 Spencer Rd., Hamakua, TMK: 4-5-002:068. *Jun. 26, 2020 **Jul. 10, (...)
(End Date: Jun 12) (p78)
Jun 12
AGENDA WINDWARD PLANNING COMMISSION COUNTY OF HAWAII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following matters to be considered by the Windward Planning Commission of the County of Hawaii in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 91 and 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 6-7.5(a) of the Charter of the County of Hawaii, and the Planning Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Based on the Mayor's Proclamation regarding COVID-19, this meeting will be online until further notice. This is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to maintain social distancing. DATE: Thursday, July 2, 2020 TIME: 9:00 a.m. PLACE: Live Stream Meeting- (...)
(End Date: Jun 12) (p78)
Jun 12
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR THE DRAFT REPORT TITLED "2020 STATE OF HAWAII WATER QUALITY MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT REPORT" Under §303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act, the Department of Health (DOH), State of Hawaii, requests public comment on the draft report titled "2020 State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report: Integrated Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Congress Pursuant to §303(d) and §305(b), Clean Water Act (P.L. 97-117)". The draft report is available for public review at: The draft report is also available Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) between 7:45 a.m. (...)
(End Date: Jun 12) (p78)
Jun 4
Public Notice State Health Planning and Development Agency Certificate of Need The Agency has received certificate of need application #20-06A for administrative review from Kohala Hospital for the addition of 18 Acute/long term swing beds and the deletion of 22 SNF/ICF beds, at no capital cost. Pursuant to Section 323D-44.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, any interested person may request a public meeting on an application before the Agency renders its decision. Any request for a public meeting must be submitted in writing and directed to the Administrator, at the address provided below. Any such request must be received by the Agency (...)
(End Date: Jun 4) (p78)
Jun 3
PUBLIC NOTICE (Docket No. 20-CA-PA-04) The Department of Health, State of Hawaii, is notifying all interested persons of the report, "2020 Air Monitoring Network Plan." This report, based on 40 CFR 58.10, describes Hawaii's ambient air monitoring network. Due to the social distancing protocols put in place in response to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the report is being made available for public review online only on the Clean Air Branch, Department of Health website at Interested persons may submit written comments addressed to the Department of Health at: Clean Air Branch, Department of Health 2827 Waimano Home Road, Room (...)
(End Date: Jun 3) (p78)
May 29
AGENDA LEEWARD PLANNING COMMISSION COUNTY OF HAWAII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following matters to be considered by the Leeward Planning Commission of the County of Hawaii in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 91 and 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 6-7.5(a) of the Charter of the County of Hawaii, and the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. DATE: Thursday, June 18, 2020 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Live Stream Meeting- The public will be able to view and listen to the meeting. Access to the online meeting will be provided at at the time of the hearing. STATEMENTS (...)
(End Date: May 29) (p78)
May 29
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), State of Hawaii, will hold a public hearing by videoconference on proposed amendments to Chapter 13-146 of Title 13, Hawaii Administrative Rules, to increase fees to State Park Camping, Lodging, and Pavilion Rental Fees, Parking and Entrance Fees for Designated State Park Areas. The following section is amended and compiled: 13-146-6 Fees. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and pursuant to the Governor's most recent supplemental proclamation on May 18, 2020, the public hearing will be held (...)
(End Date: May 29) (p78)
May 24
DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2020 TIME: 10:00 A.M. PLACE: The Liquor Commission meeting will be conducted via tele/video conference, pursuant to Governor Ige's Supplemental Emergency Proclamation dated March 16, 2020, in order to minimize physical contact and maximize social distancing. This meeting will not be open to the public. Anyone wishing to provide testimony on an agenda item may do so by submitting it in writing by email or fax. To ensure timely delivery to Commission members prior to the meeting, written testimony must be submitted before 12:00 noon on the business day prior to the meeting by: (1) email (...)
(End Date: May 24) (p78)
May 22
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY (HPHA) REVISED UTILITY RATES AND ALLOWANCES FOR FEDERAL PUBLIC HOUSING RESIDENTS WHO PURCHASE THEIR OWN UTILITIES, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rule, Section 17-2028-7, the HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY ("HPHA") will be revising the monthly utility allowances for federal public housing residents who purchase their own utilities, beginning JULY 1, 2020. The revised rates and allowances listed below will be made effective on JULY 1, 2020. Please note that written or oral comments on the revised utility rates or allowances may be submitted until June (...)
(End Date: May 22) (p78)
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